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Using Eudora As An Offline UNIX Mail Reader
by Ken Kirksey
The first time I saw Eudora, I thought it was the neatest thing since
sliced bread. One of my friends worked for the academic computing
department at the university I was attending (Auburn U., for those who
care), and he had Eudora running on the Mac in his office. I though to
myself, "Now this is the way to read my Internet mail!" Unfortunately, I
found out that to use Eudora you had to have a TCP/IP connection to the
network (which my friend had) or access to a SLIP server (which we didn't
have). So, I resigned myself to using "mail."
Then I graduated and moved, and all of the sudden I had to make a long
distance call to get my mail (New Horrors! New Horrors!). Needless to say,
interative reading with "mail" wouldn't cut it. So I took to compressing
and downloading my mail spool file so I could read all my mail offline.
A great idea, except that all I had was a raw spool file that I could
peruse with a text editor. Not very pretty.
Then I remembered Eudora. As fate would have it, Eudora could read the
raw mail spool files. So I could read my message in a nice way. But
replying to messages, or sending new ones, was a pain. So I wrote a
little C program that automated the process. Now I was back up to speed.
So here I am, sharing my experience and that program with ya'll (southern
for you all :) I've tried everything I'll cover in here, so it's all been
play-tested, so to speak. If you have any problems with the program, or
these instructions, feel free to drop me a note at kkirksey@world.std.com.
Note that throughout this document "Eudora" refers to the Mac program,
while "udora" (unix Eudora) refers to the UNIX side program.
The first thing you need to do is get a copy of Eudora. The program
itself is available at info-mac in the comm directory. This archive
doesn't include the documentation, however. You don't NEED the
documentation to get up and running with Eudora, but I highly recommend
getting it. The full Eudora release used to be available at
ux1.cso.uiuc.edu in the mac/eudora directory, but it's gone now. A quick
archie search told me that it was available at orion.oac.uci.edu in the
directory /ntslib/mac/mail/eudora.1.2/NTS.dist. If anyone out there
knows where Eudora's new official home is, please drop me a note and I'll
include it in a later version of these here docs.
Once you've installed Eudora, you need to set it up so that it will work
using it as an offline reader.
First go to the "Configuration..." option under the "Special" menu. Make
sure that the "Communications Toolbox" radio button is checked. If
"MacTCP" is checked, it will scream at you since you don't have MacTCP
installed. If you do, why are you reading this? :)
Then go to the "Switches..." option under the "Special" menu. Under
"Composition:" make sure that the "Immediate Send" checkbox is NOT
checked. This lets you queue up outgoing messages. Under "When
Quitting:" make sure that "Compact Mailboxes" is checked.
Composing and replying to messages is pretty straightforward. Consult
the Eudora documentation if you have any problems. I'd advise reading
through it in any event.
Under UNIX, your mail is usually stored in the /usr/spool/mail directory
in a file that is named the same as your login. For instance, mine is
stored in /usr/spool/mail/kkirksey. You want to move this file out of
the /usr/spool/mail directory and on to your mac. Basically, here's what
you do:
1) Move the spool file to your home directory with
mv /usr/spool/mail/<username> .
You want to move it rather than copy it, because if you copy it, you
aren't removing the messages you read from the spool file. It'll just
keep growing, and growing, and growing....
If your mail isn't kept in /usr/spool/mail, check with your sysadmin
to see where it is located.
2) Transfer your mail file to your mac via your favorite file transfer
If your communication program supports scripting, you can write a short
script to automate this procedure.
As an option, you may want to compress the file with the UNIX "compress"
command. This gives you a .Z file that you can uncompress on your Mac
using the MacCompress program (avaliable at info-mac). If you call long
distance to get your mail, this step will save you mucho $.
Now that you've got your mail to your mac, you've got two options. The
first is just to drop the file into the Eudora Folder in your System
Folder. Eudora can read it just like one of it's own files. There's a
problem with doing it this way. What if you haven't finished reading
all your messages in you spool file (kkirksey for me) ? Well, you could
give your new spool file another name (kkirksey1 for instance). But now
you've got a couple of mail files where you could have only one.
A better solution (what I do) is to concatenate your new mail on to the "In"
file in the Eudora Folder. That way, all your mail is kept in one place, and
you don't have to worry about what you have and haven't read. t. I use
Unity (available on info-mac) to concatenate the files together.
To read your mail, just select "In" from the "Mailbox" menu in Eudora.
Since you've modified the "In" file, it will ask you if you want to
create a new table of contents for that file. Tell it Ok.
First of all, you need to have a copy of the udora.c program in your UNIX
account. To compile the program, just type
cc udora.c -o udora
at the prompt. You can remove the udora.c file after you've compiled it.
I'm assuming that you've read the Eudora docs and have already composed
some new messages or replies. All outgoing messages are stored in the
"Out" file in the Eudora Folder. Upload this file to your UNIX account.
Be sure that you have compacted the mailboxes before you do this.
Eudora inserts some redundant header information in the Out file that
seems to disappear when you compact your mailboxes. udora won't crash
if you don't do this, but you will get some strange messages.
Once you've uploaded "Out" to your account, just type
udora Out
at the prompt to mail your messages. It's as simple as that. After
you've successfully mailed your outgoing messages, be sure to empty
the "Out" mailbox in Eudora so you don't send them again.
If you quit Eudora while you have messages in the Out mailbox, it will
ask you if you want to send the messages now or just quit. Always click
"Just Quit." It will get very confused if you tell it to send them.
Even if you chose the signature option in Eudora, it doesn't include it
with your message in the "Out" file, so it doesn't work for our
purposes. I've included a signature option in udora to make up for
this. Keep your signature in a file named ".signature" in your home
directory. If you want udora to append your signature to a message,
just put ~s on a line by itself at the end of a message. Don't put
any spaces in front of ~s, or udora won't recoginze it as a signature
Another Eudora feature that doesn't work for our purposes. Eudora
attaches the files as it's sending the message via TCP/IP, so I doesn't
include the attached file in the "Out" file. I'm thinking about adding
a file attach feature to udora.
The Eudora nicknames feature doesn't work either, since it doesn't
expand the nicknames in the Out file. This is another possible
enhancement to udora.
udora currently doesn't recognize the cc: and bcc: lines in the header,
so you bcc and cc's will be ignored. Yet another possible new feature.
If you want to see any or all of these features added to udora, drop me
a note. If there's enough interest, I'll probably do it.
If you subscribe to bunches of internet digests like I do, and like to
save your messages to text files, go to the "Switches..." option under
the "Special" menu and make sure that "Guess Paragraphs" is NOT
checked. If it is, it will sometimes munge your documents when you save
All welcome. Tell me what you think of this doc and udora. Just drop
me a note at kkirksey@world.std.com.